Brenna's first meal

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Baby Grind

Well first of all let me tell you that Brenna's first almost 2 months at home have gone by incredibly fast-kept putting updating the blog off until tomorrow & somehow here we are a month later.....Brenna is doing great!! We have officially tripled in weight & are 6 1/2 pounds-at our last Pedi appointment we finally made it onto the the 'normal baby' growth chart (at the very bottom, 10% curve, but on it!!) as well as finally no longer being a negative age-she would be a couple of weeks old if she had been born on the 9-month plan! In the last blog I wrote about her just figuring out how to cry, let me assure you that our little Bean has not only figured out the crying stuff, but is a real pro! I haven't been able to distinguish different cries for her different needs yet, but it is almost always due hunger, poopy pants or her wanting to be held. I can't speak about other babies, but Brenna is definately not one who likes to be alone, sure she likes her swing & her bouncy chair, but if it were up to her she would stay permanently attached to my chest & most of the time she does. Let me tell you I can think of very few things that are as calming & as wonderful as having a little baby curled up on your chest....don't even get me started on her baby smell......She is eating on a pretty regular 2-3 hour schedule, but (luckily for us sleepy parents) she is finally starting to double up on some of her late afternoon feedings & is starting to sleep longer periods of time between her night feedings-just wish it were the 3am instead of the midnight feeding, but we will take what we can get! We had our meeting with ECI (Early Childhood Intervention which provides services for 0-2 year olds who have special needs, speech therapy, etc) & am extremely happy to report that she did not qualify at this time!! In fact Brenna was ahead of her adjusted age in all areas except for communication in which she was right on track-our little over achiever! The two big milestones were are waiting for are her turning her head in the direction of our voices & her smiling when she sees us. I can't even imagine what it will feel like when she looks at me, sees me & smiles (we do get some smiles now but I think they are more fart related than anything else....)!! All in all, so far so good-knock on wood-one happy baby, two incredibly happy parents! Will update again soon, but for now I gotta finish up here at the store so I can hurry home & cuddle with my baby:)


  1. watch the head shape. preemies don't get mobile as soon. do the tummy time a little at a time. builds neck and back muscles and lessens the time on the back of the head.

  2. amazingly, she can support her own head (she spends more time on my chest than on her back...)& is working on pushing herself up with her arms!
